Dear Good Company families,
A very merry, restful, and meaningful Christmas to you as we celebrate the day our God entered our world as a baby, only a taste of what was to come and is to come! We will be off all of next week and the week after, returning to classes on January 7th. Please note:
(1) The lost-and-found bin in Attleboro will be emptied over the break. Please check it this week and get your things: clothes, books, water bottles, and more.
(2) Classes beginning in January include: (1) All About Color in Attleboro; (2) Art History/Studio in Attleboro on Thursdays, focused on Ancient Art; (3) Art/Design II in Cranston. (4) Drama for all ages on Tuesday afternoons in Attleboro See descriptions on website.
(3) There are opportunities this week to see what the art students have done. In Attleboro the “show” will be displayed downstairs from early morning until after class, when the students will take their work. In Cranston, the art exhibition will be Friday morning from 11:45 until 1:00. Please see the flyer below. These displays are a good opportunity to get to know Good Company and our students as well as to consider some possible classes for the future.
(4) Please make sure December’s tuition has been paid.
(5) Remember (and remind your students) that, although there are three weeks between this week’s class and the next, there are only two weeks of vacation, as tutors will be making regular assignments. If they don’t make a plan, the return of classes can sneak up on them, putting them behind from the beginning. (Ask me how I know that! 🙄) In some cases students may have make-up work, so feel free to check with tutors about that.
Have a wonderful break, and we will see you soon.