Our year consists of 32 weeks, beginning the week right after Labor Day. Orientations are held on the Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday before Labor Day, for new families. Please plan to join us. We take off Thanksgiving week, two weeks off at Christmas, the week of Presidents’ Day in February and the week of Patriots’ Day in April. We now plan to make up for snow/emergency days by having virtual classes. If that does not work, we make up the classes in some other way.

Fall Semester: Sept 3 - Dec 20 (Thanksgiving break the week of Nov 26-29) Spring Semester: Jan 7 - May 16 (Spring breaks the week of Feb 18-21 and Apr 22-25)


Payment methods:

    • check, dropped in box on site or mailed (preferred)
    • Bill Pay, bank check sent to 20 High Rock Dr., No. Attleboro, MA 02760
    • Zelle, using email

A $11.25 per hour fee is charged for each class. Because months differ in number of weeks, the hourly fee has been divided among the nine months of our school year and averaged, for a standard monthly fee of $40.00 per one-hour class and $60.00 for a 1.5 hour class. The first month’s tuition should be paid at the first class in September and other payments should be made on the first of the month.


A $11.25 per hour fee is charged for each class. Because months differ in number of weeks, the hourly fee has been divided among the nine months of our school year and averaged, for a standard monthly fee of $40.00 per one-hour class and $60.00 for a 1.5 hour class. 

The first month’s tuition should be paid at the first class in September and other payments should be made on the first of the month.Please take the time to read the guidelines and expectations (located here). Registration fee includes one month’s tuition, which is non-refundable after the first day of classes, but will become the last month’s tuition payment (December for 1st semester classes and May for all others).  If classes are dropped after the first day of classes, with few exceptions, tuition is expected through the end of the semester, in fairness to the tutors. Each class also has its own materials fee, which should be paid with registration. There is a financial saving for early registration. (In July and August, call or e-mail to check on class openings before registering, as we expect some of the classes to fill up before then.) When filling out the registration form, you will complete the first three pages for the whole family. Then print the number of pages 4, 5,and 6 that you need. For instance, if your child takes classes on Tuesday and Thursday you will have one page 4 and one page 5. If your three children take courses only in Cranston, you will have three copies of page 6 and none of pages 4 and 5. Print the registration form below and send with payment to Good Company Tutorials, 20 High Rock Road, No. Attleboro, MA 02760. Please use this address for all mailing, not the addresses of the churches we use for classes.

We are a weekly tutorial, attempting to aid parents in the work of home schooling – most of the education is still taking place in the home. We assign homework and give feedback, evaluations, and grades where appropriate, but we recognize that your students’ education is your responsibility. When figuring credits, we have adopted the guidelines suggested by HSLDA, and we suggest a careful reading of their website on this subject for your own information. Although our grades are not binding, we have taken care to be as fair and accurate as possible, and it is not ethical to just change our grades when sending them to the school system or creating a transcript. We recommend that you use our evaluations to write up your own reports if sending them to the school.

A Ministry to Home-School Families in Massachusetts and Rhode Island